

Clean. Redefined.

How do small particles affect your bottom line?

Here is the problem: small particles in lubricants are responsible for 82% of component wear and shorter equipment life. Dirt, wear, metal, gunk, and other particle contamination is the number ONE cause of lubricant-related equipment failure.

We can provide lubricants that are filtered precisely to OEM’s ISO cleanliness recommendations to help maximize you equipment life.


Why Isoclean?

  • Increased component life
  • Improved machinery reliability
  • Reduced disposal costs
  • Reduced maintenance & service time
  • Increased uptime
  • Lower component inventory
  • Improved product quality
  • Improved safety

We Offer a Guaranteed and Certified Solution at Your Point of Delivery

3 steps to maximize the longevity of your equipment

3 steps for cleanliness

There are 3 key steps for a clean and efficient lubrication program to maximize the longevity of your equipment, Start Clean, Monitor, and Stay Clean. First, you need to start clean with certified clean lubricants and proper handling. Second, monitor your lubricants regularly to avoid contamination. Finally, maintain the cleanliness of your lubricants. To learn more, download the PDF files below.

ISOCLEAN calculator: estimate the life of your equipment

Don’t miss on a huge savings opportunity!

Effectively addressing lubricant contamination represents a huge opportunity for savings.

ISOCLEAN Calculator

  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Forestry/Saw Mill
  • General Manufacturing
  • Landfill/Waste/Recycling
  • Oil & Gaz
  • Petrochimical/Oil Refinery
  • Plastics injection manufacturing
  • Power Generation
  • Pulp, Paper & Forestry
  • Mine / Quarry
  • Waste Hauler Collection

Sample case: cement plant saves $2.1 million

Here is an example of a hypothetical case to give you an idea of costs:

UAn industrial gearbox at a cement plant costs $3 million and has a life expectancy of 10 years but contaminants in its lubricant cut the life in half. Based on lost revenue of $30,000 per day and 90 days to make repairs, the cost of those repairs is $2.7 million. Maintaining OEM recommended ISO cleanliness Code levels would cost $60,000 per year, or $600,000 over 10 years, generating $2.1 million in savings.

Contact us to learn more and get a best in class site assessment

Chevon Rando

Chevron Rando® HD 32 – certified ISOCLEAN®

Hydraulique AW 32 typiqueTypical Hydraulic AW 32 

Hydraulique AW 32 typique - fond de réservoirTypical Hydraulic AW 32 - Tank Bottom 

What are the common sources of oil contamination?

Oil can get contaminated before it even reaches your equipment. Particulate contaminants are everywhere!

As lubricants are transported, pumped, transferred and delivered there is opportunity at every step of the way for contaminants to seep in. Once lubricants are on site, contamination sources can include breather vents, fill openings, oil containers, hoses and the equipment itself.

Understanding ISO Cleanliness Codes

ISO cleanliness code is written as XX/YY/ZZ where :

  • XX = total number of particles > 4 microns per millilitre
  • YY = total number of particles > 6 microns per millilitre
  • ZZ = total number of particles > 14 microns per millilitre

Some equipment guides may report under the old two-number system. In this case, simply drop the first number: */16/13.


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