• Transmission & Gear Oils
  • Biodegradable Products
  • Gear Oils
  • Biodegradable Oil

BioGear FS 75W-90



BioGear FS 75W-90 Synthetic Gear Oil is a premium readily biodegradable gear oil uniquely formulated for best-in-class performance in extreme heavy-duty applications. With its superior viscosity index, it maintains a long-lasting barrier protection against metal-to-metal contact.


Any gear application where the following specs should be met or exceeded: API Service GL-5 and MT-1, AIST 224 (Formerly US Steel 224), AGMA 9005-E02, Cincinnati Machine, DIN 51517:3, Mack GO-J, SAE J2360 (Formerly MIL PRF-2105E).


Contact one of our experts to find out about available sizes.

Available in regions

  • Quebec / Atlantic
  • Ontario
  • British Columbia
  • Alberta / Saskatchewan / Manitoba

Technical Documents